Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tell Me Frankly, Did You Miss Me?

On Relationships

As somebody who goes through life with a passion, I sometimes fail to notice how I affect other people. I always have the knack of feeling other people’s pain, turmoil and joy even from afar. I can sense what they are going through even if they try hard to hide it from me.

I knew this sense of perceptiveness as a child – and it scared me like crazy! I knew that I can instantly connect with people, and would know offhand what they feel even without talking. Not exactly their thoughts, but more on how they feel at that particular moment.

This knowledge leads me to study a difficult course --- Accountancy to take my mind out of it. The study would make me grounded on things that are earth-bound and practical.

Nothing ephemeral for me, all things that I see must be run by logic and with mathematical precision. Early on, I decided to run away from things that I don’t understand. This perceptiveness however, does not go away. I have used it several times when I deal with people and have taken advantage of it ---in business. But personal relationships are different. I am still clueless when it comes to my friends and the significant other.

I supposed, God’s given gift does not cover everyone! LOL!

POSTSCRIPT: I asked some friends if they missed me when I was gone for a few days. They said, "Nope. We didn't notice." I knew they were lying. I can tell. LOL!

A blessed day everyone!

Photo credit: pixabay.com by 

Onli in da Pilipins: A Writer's Journal
Copyright © csmiravite™. All Rights Reserved

Republished from bubblews.com with nom de plume, avila_fajardo

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